Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to use Git and Dropbox

How to use Git and Dropbox together:
This is how I created the enENCOMMAS Git Repo directory: -you must
have Dropbox on yourmachine installed. For a Mac, this puts a
directory called /Users/$HOME/Dropbox in your home root directory
(here italics mean what you type at the command line):
cd ~/Dropbox
mkdir -p repos/enNCOMMAS.git
cd !$
git --bare init
This creates a bare directory we can create a master repository into.
We now have to create a cleaned version of the enNCOMMAS directory,
then create ourlocal git database. First cd into the enNCOMMAS
directory. We canrecursivelyremove all of the .svn (or CVS)
directories using a quick command inside the enNCOMMAS directory:
find . -name '.svn' -type d -print | xargs rm -rf {}
find . -name 'CVS' -type d -print | xargs rm -rf {}
Then, we create the local git repository for enNCOMMAS:
git init
git add .
git commit
You now have create a git repository for enNCOMMAS. We can now push
this up to the Dropbox repos by:
git remote add dropbox file://$HOME/Dropbox/repos/enNCOMMAS.git
git push dropbox master
Inside the git directory, if you want `git pull` and `git push` to use
the dropbox repo by default, you can type:
git config branch.master.remote dropbox
git config branch.master.merge master
Now you can use git just like SVN, e.g., say you have a new file you
want to add:
git add new_file.f90
git commit new_file.f90
and the usual commit interface message comes up. For changes to an
existing file,
git commit existing_file.f90
Now just because you have created a local commit –you have not yet
“pushed” the changes up to the master. To do this now, simply:
git push
On another machine, you can simply clone from the dropbox account:
git clone -o dropbox file://$HOME/Dropbox/repos/enNCOMMAS.git
and if you already have the enNCOMMAS repos on your machine, you can
pull the changes from the master:
git pull
In this way, you have the entire history of the enNCOMMAS on your
machineand a master branch at Dropbox. One can then (at a finer grain
level) control what is stored locally in a repo, and what is available
to everyone –you have the entire history stored on you machine (like a
laptop) and can branch/fork locally to test stuff, then merge back.
Some of this information was obtained from Bradley Wright’sweb page:
Additional Techniques
Since we have local Git servers and you want to push code to a remote
machine that may be outside the firewall –this is possible via the
followingprocedure. Similar to the Dropbox procedure –you will
create a bare local repository first, push your repository (or branches
from it) to that remote repo, and then pull the code from the remote
repository onto the remote machine. So on the remote machine, do the
following commands
mkdir -p repos/enNCOMMAS.git
cd !$
git --bare init
You now have a bare repository. Now go back onto your local machine
where the git repo sits, and type in:
git push ssh://remote_machine/…/…/repos/enNCOMMAS.git master
This pushes the code over to that machine. Now inside the
enNCOMMAS.git directory,there is a repo (HEAD, config, etc.). This
has all the changes you have on the local machine (which, BTW, does not
have to match was is stored in the community dropbox).  To get the code
for the remote machine out of the repo,
cd repo
git pull
and wonderkind!  In ~/repo/enNCOMMASis your code. If then you change
anything on the remote machine, commit it there and then you can PULL
it to your local machine via:
git pull ssh://remote_machine/…/…/repos/enNCOMMAS
Note:  you are pulling from the working copy, not the repo!You can
still push changes from the local copy in the same way you did the
If you get a message when trying to push the repo from your local
machine to the remote machine like:
error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master
error: By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository
error: is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent
error: with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to match
error: the work tree to HEAD.
error: You can set 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to
error: 'ignore' or 'warn' in the remote repository to allow pushing into
error: its current branch; however, this is not recommended unless you
error: arranged to update its work tree to match what you pushed in some
error: other way.
Then go to the remote machine and type in the enNCOMMAS.git repo,
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
and afterwards, you maynot see your files, and type
git checkout –f
But as far as I can tell, you should not need to do this.
Handy Stuff
To commit all new changes (adding, deleting, etc), you can just type:
git commit –a
which is a big improvement over SVN

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