Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Terminator – Multiple GNOME terminals in one window in Ubuntu 13.04. 64 bit

Terminator – Multiple GNOME terminals in one window in Ubuntu 13.04. 64 bit

Terminator – Multiple GNOME terminals in one window.

Installing terminator is very easy. Just open your linux terminal, make sure you are connected to the internet and type: sudo apt-get install terminator.

Type Alt+F2 to open ‘Run Application‘ screen and type terminator.
If there is no error, you will get the terminator terminal. You can set the background into tranparent from Preferences menu (right-click mouse button/Background/Transparent background).
Split horizontally Shift+Ctrl+O
Press Shif+Ctrl+O to split the terminal by horizontal.
Split Vertical Shift+Ctrl+E
Press Shift+Ctrl+E to split the focused terminal by vertical.
Press Alt+UP to focus on above terminal.
Press Shift+Ctrl+E to split the focused terminal by vertical.
Now, you can try to focus terminal that you want to use.
Focus the terminal below Alt+Down
Focus the terminal left Alt+Left
Focus the terminal above Alt+Up
Focus the terminal right Alt+Right
Create a new TAB Shift+Ctrl+T
Please, Shift+Ctrl+T two times to create 2 new terminals.
Switch to the previous TAB Ctrl+PageUP
Switch to the next TAB Ctrl+PageDOWN
Create a new Window Shift+Ctrl+I
Press Shift+Ctrl+I to create new window.
Focus on next window Alt+TAB
Press Alt+TAB to focus on next window. But you have to press the ALT button it fast otherwise you will active your compiz (if you use it).
Close window Shift+Ctrl+Q
Press Shift+Ctrl+Q to close the focused window.
Close terminal Shift+Ctrl+W
Increase font size Ctrl++
Decrease font size Ctrl+-

Press Ctrl++ (Ctrl button with + button) few times to increase the font size and press Ctrl+- (Ctrl button with – button) to decrease the font size.
Restore orginal font size Ctrl+0
Press Ctrl+0 (Ctrl button with zero button) to restore the font to original/normal font size.
Close terminal Shift+Ctrl+W
Resize the terminal DOWN Shift+Ctrl+DOWN
Resize the terminal LEFT Shift+Ctrl+LEFT
Resize the terminal RIGHT Shift+Ctrl+RIGHT
Resize the terminal UP Shift+Ctrl+UP

You re-size you focused terminal to DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and UP. Just press and hold theShift+Ctrl button and followed by DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and UP arrow button to resize the terminal.
Toggle Full Screen F11
Close all terminals by press Shift+Ctrl+W then press F11 to resize the terminal into full screen.
Click right mouse button and select menu ‘Preferences‘.
Disable the ‘Show Titlebar‘ by clicking it.
Now you get full screen terminal.
With combination with cmatrix ($sudo apt-get install cmatrix) application, open few new windows, run airodump-ng and tcpdump you are already like a computer freak.

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